What is AI?

Explore what AI can do

Did you know?

Artifical Intelligence (AI), is a broad term consisting of many different specializations.

A common misconception of AI is that they’re intelligent. Sterotypically speaking, most people think of "Skynet". However, most "AI" models are systems built off mathematical algorithms learning from data and statistics.

They are being used almost everywhere! From the prediction of your next purchase on a shopping website, to something more intelligent like self-driving vehicles... all these are done using AI.

Here’s a simple form of AI:
A HDB price prediction model. Try it out yourself!

Let us predict the price of your HDB

Our AI will make an intelligent calculation

Input the details of your HDB flat below and then press "Calculate price" and we'll show you our prediction.

*Data extracted from data.gov.sg Resale Flat Prices dataset

Calculate price

The AI's estimate:


(in today's money)

This is just one field in AI; the possibilities are endless!
Explore the vast applications of AI.
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